Logan Picture

Logan Picture
I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me;
yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy. Alma 29:9

Great Start

June 27, 2016

Dear Family,

Saint John (also nicknamed the Dirty J) is such a cool place, I almost feel like I am in a new mission. It's nicknamed that because it really is just a pretty dirty place, and the water is almost undrinkable, just imagine filling the bathtub and the water is tinted green. Yeah, everyone owns a water filter, the water tastes nasty. It's a bit different than Nova Scotia, but hey, it is an entirely different Province, what do you expect? (Google map it if you want)

It is the biggest area population wise that I have been in and talking to people on the streets has never been more exciting because there are so many people out, and you get a lot of funny, interesting stories. Been here for only a couple of days so far and I already have some pretty weird and funny stories. The town is full of people who are, let's just say, unaccountable, and that's where a lot of the stories and experiences come from, so I've been told and am now starting to experience for myself. It's awesome, haha.

The ward here is so cool, and super welcoming. They will do anything for the missionaries, they even have a whole room in the church set aside for missionary use, that's a first for me.
The Elders Quorum, who is not just a bunch of old guys, like in all my other areas, had a burger competition on Friday, and we got to be a part of the taste testing group and rate the burgers. Oh they were so good, I would gladly do it again.

On Saturday we had a games night where all the guys, mostly young men, played soccer for the first part (got to bring back some of my soccer skills back) and then with some of the sisters in the ward we all played a very competitive game of Pictionary, which we won, nbd.

Sunday was the miracle day though! First day at church in the ward and they had Sister Deberry and I, the new ones, introduce ourselves and bear our testimonies. But after sacrament meeting was over one of the members, sister Raeburn, came up to us with this non-member and had him come around to class with us for the rest of the day. His name is Luis and originally he is from Central America, not sure which part, but has come, basically fled to Canada and has been here for many years. He loved the classes and we talked with him a lot. He is pretty hard to understand and like no one in the ward speaks Spanish, nor do Elder Maughan and I, so if you aren't focusing like everything you've got on what he is saying, you won't catch it. But we scheduled an appointment with him that afternoon and went with Sister Raeburn to teach him. He has a deep love for God and Jesus Christ as they have helped him through his life and bad experiences, and boy does he have some crazy stories. We gave him a Spanish copy of the Book of Mormon and he wants to read but may have trouble with the small print. Hmm, now how to find a large print B of M in Spanish, in an English and French mission, that is the question. He wouldn't commit to baptism because he was already baptized so we talked about authority and he is going to pray about whether he needs to or not. Such a humble man.

Great way to start the new transfer off. I'm so pumped.

"Problems die in the light and grow in the dark." -Sister Taylor

Love You!! Have a great week!

Love Elder Ray

Elder Maughan

Cruise ship, Saint John, and Rainbows